2022. sze 11.

Just Say Hooray to Hungarian Ice Hockey Princesses

írta: Ross Satyr
Just Say Hooray to Hungarian Ice Hockey Princesses

noihoki.jpgIt's just a short message informing on the fact that the Hungarian women ice hockey national team not only stayed within the highest league of World Ice Hockey bot they reached the 8th place. Our team played intriguing games against Denmark, Sweden, and Finland with just a tight loss by one scored pack each in the final shootout or in the prolongation while they have beaten Germany by two. There was a well deserved 7-1 loss against Czech Republic, an even deeper 12-1 loss against USA and there came the game against Finland with the purpose to get into 5-8 ranking chance what hasen't been reached due to a single Suomi goal in the prolongation time. So, the Hungarian national women ice hockey team can prepare to participate on the 2023 Women Ice Hockey World Championship in Ottawa, Canada, early in April as expected.

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